Profiling our code is a very useful tool to determine how well the code performs on different metrics. The addin we will create in this article will let us use a keyboard shortcut to run profiling on R code selected in RStudio without blocking the session or requiring any external packages. Specifically for very simple overview use, it may be beneficial to look at the time needed for a set of expressions to compute, e.
A developer always pays his technical debts! And we have a debt to pay to the gods of coding best practices, as we did not present many unit tests for our functions yet. Today we will show how to efficiently investigate and improve unit test coverage for our R code, with focus on functions governing our RStudio addins, which have their own specifics. As a practical example, we will do a simple resctructuring of one of our functions to increase its test coverage from a mere 34% to over 90%.
In this post in the RStudio:addins series we will try to make our work more efficient with an addin for better inspection of objects, functions and files within RStudio. RStudio already has a very useful View function and a Go To Function / File feature with F2 as the default keyboard shortcut and yes, I know I promised automatic generation of @importFrom roxygen tags in the previous post, unfortunately we will have to wait a bit longer for that one but I believe this one more than makes up for it in usefulness.
Code documentation is extremely important if you want to share the code with anyone else, future you included. In this second post in the RStudio:addins series we will pay a part of our technical debt from the previous article and document our R functions conveniently using a new addin we will build for this purpose. The addin we will create in this article will let us create well formatted roxygen documentation easily by using keyboard shortcuts to add useful tags such as \code{} or \link{} around selected text in RStudio.
This is the first post in the RStudio:addins series. The aim of the series is to walk the readers through creating an R package that will contain functionality for integrating useful addins into the RStudio IDE. At the end of this first article, your RStudio will be 1 useful addin richer. The addin we will create in this article will let us run a script open in RStudio in R vanilla mode via a keyboard shortcut and open a file with the script’s output in RStudio.