Apache Spark is a popular open-source analytics engine for big data processing and thanks to the sparklyr and SparkR packages, the power of Spark is also available to R users. A very common task in working with Spark apart from using HDFS-based data storage is also interfacing with traditional RDMBS systems such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, and others. There is a lot of performance that can be gained by efficiently partitioning data for these types of data loads.
The {sparklyr} package lets us connect and use Apache Spark for high-performance, highly parallelized, and distributed computations. We can also use Spark’s capabilities to improve and streamline our data processing pipelines, as Spark supports reading and writing from many popular sources such as Parquet, Orc, etc. and most database systems via JDBC drivers. In this post, we will explore using R to perform data loads to Spark and optionally R from relational database management systems such as MySQL, Oracle, and MS SQL Server and show how such processes can be simplified.
Apache Spark is an open-source distributed cluster-computing framework implemented in Scala that first came out in 2014 and has since then become popular for many computing applications including machine learning thanks to among other aspects its user-friendly APIs. The popularity also gave rise to many online courses of varied quality. In this post, I share my personal experience with completing the Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark course on Coursera in May 2020, briefly walk through the content and write about the course assignments.
Functional programming is a programming paradigm where programs are constructed by applying and composing functions and it quite popular in the data science application because of some of its useful properties that can help for example with scaling computations. One well-known resource to get into functional programming is the Functional Programming Principles in Scala course by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. In this post, I share my personal experience with completing the Functional programming in Scala course on Coursera in May 2020, briefly walk through the content and write about the course assignments.
Over the past months, we published and refined a series of posts on Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code. Since the posts have grown in size and scope the blogposts were no longer the best medium to share the content in the way most useful to the readers, we decided to compile a publication instead and open-source it for all readers to use freely. In this post, we present Using Spark from R for performance, an open-source online publication that will serve as a medium to communicate the current and future installments of the series comprehensively, including instructions on how to use it and a Docker image with all the prerequisites needed to run the code examples.
In the previous parts of this series, we have shown how to write functions as both combinations of dplyr verbs, SQL query generators that can be executed by Spark and how to use the lower-level API to invoke methods on Java object references from R. In this fifth part, we will look into more details around sparklyr’s invoke() API, investigate available methods for different classes of objects using the Java reflection API and look under the hood of the sparklyr interface mechanism with invoke logging.
In the previous parts of this series, we have shown how to write functions as both combinations of dplyr verbs and SQL query generators that can be executed by Spark, how to execute them with DBI and how to achieve lazy SQL statements that only get executed when needed. In this fourth part, we will look at how to write R functions that interface with Spark via a lower-level invocation API that lets us use all the functionality that is exposed by the Scala Spark APIs.
In the previous part of this series, we looked at writing R functions that can be executed directly by Spark without serialization overhead with a focus on writing functions as combinations of dplyr verbs and investigated how the SQL is generated and Spark plans created. In this third part, we will look at how to write R functions that generate SQL queries that can be executed by Spark, how to execute them with DBI and how to achieve lazy SQL statements that only get executed when needed.
In the first part of this series, we looked at how the sparklyr interface communicates with the Spark instance and what this means for performance with regards to arbitrarily defined R functions. We also examined how Apache Arrow can increase the performance of data transfers between the R session and the Spark instance. In this second part, we will look at how to write R functions that can be executed directly by Spark without serialization overhead that we have shown in the previous installment.
Apache Spark is a popular open-source analytics engine for big data processing and thanks to the sparklyr and SparkR packages, the power of Spark is also available to R users. This series of articles will attempt to provide practical insights into using the sparklyr interface to gain the benefits of Apache Spark while still retaining the ability to use R code organized in custom-built functions and packages. In this first part, we will examine how the sparklyr interface communicates with the Spark instance and what this means for performance with regards to arbitrarily defined R functions.